Sir — Your report on June 22 “Youth work faces axe” should be of concern to all of us who live or work in or around Witney.

During my year as president of the Rotary Club of Witney (2010-11), we have given financial support to Base 33 both for its core funding and for projects, such as the girls’ football project, under which young women gain their Level 1 FA Coaching Certificate.

We are continuing to support Base 33’s core funding now, and also a new project to train some young people in health and safety, first aid, fire safety and accident prevention skills, necessary to be reliable and safe baby-sitters.

To some of your readers, these may be regarded as modest projects, but they, and many others provided by Base 33, are vital not only to the young people who attend Base 33, but also for the well-being and cohesion of the local community.

Can I urge as many as possible — individuals, clubs, societies and businesses — to give continuing financial help and support to Base 33.

It does a remarkable job in our community.

But it can only function successfully if the community as a whole gives it maximum support.

Brian Ford, President 2010-11 of Rotary Club of Witney