Sir – Although Carterton Community College has had adverse comments directed at it from time to time, I would like it to be known that my eldest granddaughter, a pupil from the age of 11 years until moving on to Burford School for sixth-form, has just become a barrister.

My reason for writing, however, is to point out that along with other secondary schools in West Oxfordshire, it has its successes and failures.

Carterton Community College would gain from having a sixth-form and, while they make the transition to the various sixth-forms as smooth as possible, four of my grandchildren have found that pupils already attending the school are at an advantage when settling in.

I understand that it is a chicken and egg situation with regard to numbers at Carterton but many parents will send their children to schools with a sixth-form at 11, rather than at 16.

I wish the college every success with attaining a sixth-form, when it can be judged on a more equal footing.

Cynthia Ford, Arkell Avenue, Carterton