An "inspirational" Thames Valley Police (TVP) officer who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer has received his British Empire Medal.

Police Sergeant Laurence East was presented with his British Empire Medal from the lord-lieutenant for Oxfordshire, Mrs Marjorie Glasgow, last Tuesday night.

Sgt East was named in the King’s Birthday Honours List in June this year in recognition of his exceptional courage and conspicuous devotion to duty to continue serving TVP despite a diagnosis of terminal cancer.

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He moved into policing in 2002 after joining a friend, and fellow officer, on a ride-along.

In September 2020, Sgt East was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and underwent chemotherapy.

As a result, he began fundraising to help others and spread awareness of both the disease and the mental health struggles it can bring.

Since then, he has raised £16,000 for pancreatic cancer after setting up the Shield Run challenge, £6,000 for a new wheelchair for an injured military veteran, £3,000 for charity by taking on the Three Peaks Challenge, £2,000 in the Devizes to Westminster canoe race for emergency service workers who struggle with their mental health and £3,700 in support of police widow Lissie Harper.

(Image: Stewart Turkington Photography)Sgt East has also climbed the tallest mountain in the country for World Cancer Day, helped a fireman with Motor Neurone Disease (MND) by fundraising for vital equipment, went to Norway, with a charity, and walked over mountains for three days and canoed for five days down the Fjords, leading a team including those with MND, Cancer, severe burns, PTSD and military amputees.

He aided a former serviceman -who is wheelchair bound – to complete the nine mile Commando Speed March, raising funds so the serviceman could have a supported holiday, walked 103 miles along the South Downs Way and walked 87 miles across the Ridgeway, raising funds for various charities and has given many talks on pancreatic cancer in a bid to spread awareness.

He also spoke on a podcast called the Men’s Health Forum where he discussed living with a terminal illness and the impact this can have on mental health.

Sgt East, who attended with his wife Amy and his colleague Damien Isherwood, said: “It was lovely to be a part of it, you feel very proud.

Reflecting back on his career, Sgt East recalled many fond memories from being in the back of an open helicopter in Cardiff for a NATO conference to meeting Rugby legend Matt Dawson whilst policing in Ascot.

He even worked at both the Royal weddings of King Charles and Queen Consort Camilla and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

He also gave thanks to the underlying support from his wife Amy, children Jacob, aged 19, Samuel, aged 17, Niamh, aged 14 and Orla, aged 12, as well as his friends and the Curtis Palmer Program – a charity that supported his challenges.