World-famous pottery company Moorcroft is launching a new collection of pots and vases which celebrate the UK’s trees and woodlands.

The collection, which has come about after a collaboration with the Royal Forestry Society and Action Oak, will be revealed at a special event next month at Blenheim Palace.

Moorcroft is delighted to have been granted permission to launch the collection at Blenheim Palace, an estate which is home to more than 866 veteran oaks in an area known as High Park.

Television celebrity Eric Knowles, from the Antiques Roadshow, will be on hand at the palace to discuss Moorcroft’s heritage.

The collection also celebrates Mary Wellesley, great-great-granddaughter to the Duke of Wellington, who gifted Hockeridge and Pancake Wood in the Chilterns to the RFS in 1986.

She saved the woods from urban development and replanted in the 1950s and 60s with many ‘fashionable’ forestry trees of the time including conifers, and many unusual species which are still seen today.


Moorcroft’s PR director Catherine Gage said: “We are thrilled to have been able to work with two iconic organisations that do so much for the natural world and journey into a woodland world through the eyes of people who are utterly dedicated to preserving and protecting our woodland and forest heritage, especially our veteran oaks.

"We are thankful to have had the opportunity to take advantage of the RFS’ unrivalled forestry expertise and are delighted that For The Majesty Of Trees can bring the sheer joy of the arboreal community to a worldwide audience."

Christopher Williams, chief executive Royal Forestry Society, said: “This stunning new range of pottery from Moorcroft, brilliantly captures the majesty and beauty of trees. I hope these crafted pieces will help inspire, and fasten the bonds we have with nature, and encourage more people to care for our woodland.”

Geraint Richards, chairman of Action Oak, said: "It is a great honour for Action Oak to collaborate with two such eminent organisations as Moorcroft Pottery and the Royal Forestry Society.      

"The oak-themed vases are beautiful, inspiring and to be treasured by current and future generations, just like the trees that they portray."

The handmade designs in the collection range from £345 to £7,000 and will be available as exclusive limited editions, and numbered editions which will be discontinued when the collection closes.

The collection will be available to view and purchase at the Blenheim Palace launch on October 15 and afterwards will be available from and the Moorcroft Heritage Visitor Centre in Stoke-on-Trent.