An Oxford team have returned from the 2024 British Transplant Games with 36 medals.

Transplant Team Oxford won 14 gold, 11 silver and 11 bronze medals during the four-day event held in Nottingham.

The games aim to demonstrate the benefits of transplantation, encouraging transplant patients to regain fitness, while increasing public awareness of the need for more people to join the NHS Organ Donation Register.

The Oxford team, comprising 44 transplant recipients treated at Oxford Transplant Centre, also brought back the Transplant Sport Flag, with Oxford set to host the 2025 games.

The annual competition attracts around 1,000 transplant athletes from across the UK and more than 1,700 supporters.

Transplant recipients, including children as young as five, compete in more than 25 sports.

Team Oxford's manager, Daley Cross, a youth worker in the transplant team, said: "I am immensely proud of the team, and want to say a huge well done to all our competitors this year.

"They made Oxford proud but most importantly their donors even prouder. The camaraderie within the team is special, and it's great to see the value the team members get from the games."

The games are supported by Transplant Sport, a national charity which aims to raise awareness of organ donation, encourage transplant recipients to lead active lifestyles and to show appreciation for and remember donors and their families.