A project to reduce congestion and improve air quality in Witney has taken a step forward.

Milestone Infrastructure has been awarded the contract to build new slip roads at the Shores Green junction.

This will divert traffic from travelling through Witney centre.

The new slip roads are part of the Witney area strategy, aimed at improving travel between Witney and the A40.

When the project is complete, traffic from northeast Witney will be able to travel westbound on the A40 towards Burford, bypassing the town centre, Bridge Street, and the A40/Ducklington Lane junction.

Councillor Judy Roberts, Oxfordshire County Council’s cabinet member for infrastructure and development strategy, said: "I’m pleased to see progress in another element of the A40 programme which is delivering improvements to the A40 between Witney and Oxford.

"In addition to the slip roads, the scheme will provide new walking and cycling facilities on the B4022 and alongside the A40 that will improve connections between South Leigh, High Cogges and Witney and to the path along the A40 to Oxford.

"These improvements demonstrate the council’s commitment to better connectivity and infrastructure not only for buses and cars but also for those walking, wheeling and cycling."

Following the contract award, enabling work for construction is expected to begin in September, with major construction works starting in November.