A Chipping Norton care home has enjoyed a visit from a team of cyclists travelling from Manchester to London in support of care homes and carers.

The Great British Cycle Relay team were welcomed into Penhurst Gardens Care Home by residents, neighbours and staff.

The team had been cycling from Dudley in the West Midlands to Chipping Norton and arrived at 6pm for their final stop of the day.

Staff and residents welcomed the team as they made their final stop of the dayStaff and residents welcomed the team as they made their final stop of the day (Image: Penhurst Gardens Care Home)

The event was coordinated by Champion Social Care, a group of volunteers who initiate a number of events across the UK.

Richard Brett, client services manager for Penhurst Gardens, said: "We are so honoured to be part of the Great British Cycle Relay, who shine a light on the incredible work we, and other care homes do throughout the UK.

"It matters so much to our residents and the team to meet the cyclists, celebrate our home, our community, and to wish them well as they travelled on to London.

"For the cyclists, it was a hot and tiring but very rewarding day and the sight of cold drinks, refreshments, cheering and waving flags, we hope, gave them a boost and ready to start all over the following day.

"A huge thank you to everyone for making this such a memorable day."

Sandra Coleman, the mayor of Chipping Norton, presented medals to all of the team.