A BOYFRIEND has been accused of pushing and stamping on his pregnant girlfriend after a ‘violent’ relationship, a jury has heard.

Mitchell Hodges, of Miles Drive, Brize Norton, is on trial at Oxford Crown Court charged with seven counts.

The 42-year-old is accused of being ‘controlling and violent’ towards his ex-girlfriend during their 18-month relationship – including allegations of spitting on her, punching her, and stamping on her.

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He has since been changed with one count of controlling and coercive behaviour between July 1, 2022 and July 20, 2023, two counts of assault by beating between July 1, 2022 and December 31 2023 and on December 5 2023, three counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm on September 5, December 13 and January 19, and one count of perverting the course of public justice between September 5 and October 4 last year.

Hodges has denied the offences, stating he had been abused by his ex-partner.

During the trial opening on Wednesday (July 10), prosecutor Matthew Hodgetts said: “This is a trial all about domestic violence.

“It’s a trial about his control over her and his violence and him promising he wouldn’t do it again and then doing it again.”

The jury heard that the relationship was ‘good from the outset’ but it is alleged Hodges became ‘controlling’.

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Mr Hodgetts said: “It took a variety of forms. He made her answerable to him.

"There were constant accusations from him that she was seeing other men.

"She would have to explain to him and justify to him about where she was, where she had been and who she had been with.”

It is alleged Hodges made his partner stand naked before him prior to showering so he could ‘check her body for marks’ that may indicate an affair.

Hodges reportedly backhanded the woman three times after accusing her of messaging someone else.

He was arrested but it is claimed the defendant made the woman provide police with a false statement claiming she was drunk and had assaulted him – the prosecution state this is the perverting the course of justice charge.

While on holiday in Cape Verde, and pregnant with their child, it is alleged Hodges had pushed his partner between the beds after ‘becoming paranoid’ about where she had been.

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She claims he then stamped on her, leaving her with bruises and scratch marks.

Hodges was arrested again following this incident but told a friend that she had ‘made him do it’.

The trial, which is expected to last a few days, continues.