OXFORDSHIRE County Council wants to open an assessment centre in Eynsham for children at risk of coming into the care system.

The centre, which the council wants to create at Litchfield Farm, off Merton Court, would provide short-term accommodation for up to six vulnerable young people, aged between 12 and 17.

Staff at the centre would assess the children and determine whether they should return to their families or need to be fostered.

Plans for two other residential centres at Didcot and Thame were unveiled by the county council earlier this year.

The three centres are part of the authority’s response to the Operation Bullfinch court case, which saw seven men given sentences totalling 95 years for their roles in a child sex abuse ring.

A public exhibition about the proposals will be held next Wednesday at Eynsham Village Hall, in Back Lane, between 4pm and 7pm.